Thursday Night recap, CFP predictions, Travis Hines talks Cyclones & Tom Kakert on the Hawkeyes
Bill Bender on the CFP, Steven M Sipple talks Huskers football & Trent's Picks presented by Circa Sports
College Football Playoff thoughts, Lee Sterling's Weekly Picks & Dane Mizutani talks Vikings
David Kaplan talks Cubs offseason & Bears disaster, Cyclone talk with Bill Seals & Trent's Picks presented by Circa Sports
Trent & Ken back together talking Drake's win, College Football Playoff, Alex Kane from Sport Trade stops by & The Voice of the Chiefs Mitch Holthus
Bama Bob on College Football, Tom Kakert talks Hawkeyes & Football Friday Picks presented by Circa Sports
CyHawk recap, Mike Palm from Circa Sports & Eugene Rapay talks Cyclones
David Eickholt joins Trent in Iowa City on the Hawkeyes, Bill Seals talks Cyclones & Trent's Picks presented by Circa Sports
CyHawk Women's recap, Paul Allen talks Vikings